Thursday, June 01, 2006

jay frigging my backyard!

I watched "Canada's Next Top Model" last night and it was so exciting because it's filmed in Victoria. I live about a mile from the airport and when they arrived, you could see the trees right by my house. Jay Manuel was in my backyard, practically. My CNTM favorites are Heather and Brandi. I really don't like Andrea. I don't want to say she's ugly, but...she's ugly.
After that I watched "8th and Ocean", which is a great show. Gotta love trashy reality TV.

Today I have my fucking anxiety group. Everyone in my group has mental problems, which I think is the point, but I DON'T. It's like "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", they're going to drive me insane.

"So You Think You Can Dance" is on tonight. Haha, I'm psyched. I just realized that I watch alot of TV. Oh well.

Alrighty, my top 5 favorite artists as of today:
1. Prince
2. Love
3. The Arctic Monkeys
4. Janis Joplin
5. Led Zeppelin

Grant had jujubes today. So we played the sweet "guess the color, you get it" game. I got about seven, which is pretty good.

25 days til my birthday. 34 days til we leave on our trip. 20 days til regular classes are over, counting weekends.
Too much!

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