forever after sign o whatever people say tear the roof off
My Top 5 Favourite Albums of All Time:
1. Love, Forever Changes
I'm not alone as a Love fan. Forever Changes is also Robert Plant's favorite album, and Jim Morrison had hoped that the Doors could be "as big as Love", and the Rolling Stone's "She's a Rainbow" was influenced by Love's "She Comes in Colours". Led Zeppelin, Echo and the Bunnymen and Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees all were huge fans of Love. Their best album is without a doubt Forever Changes. This album has so much meaning to me and is without a doubt my favourite album of all time.
Favourite Track: "Your Mind and We Belong Together" (on the special edition version), "You Set the Scene" (on the original version)
2. Jefferson Airplane After Bathing at Baxter's
This album is divided into five parts, with two or three songs in each part. It's less commercial than its predecessor, the also-brilliant Surrealistic Pillow, and I think it's trippier. It also has an audio collage...and who doesn't love an audio collage!
Favourite track: "Watch Her Ride" 3. Prince Sign O' The Times
I had a tough time choosing between this and 1999, but ended up going with this. It has funk, rock, pop, R&B, in short, it's a Prince album through and through, and probably sums him up best.
Favourite track: "Adore"...I dare you not to melt! 4. the Arctic Monkeys Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
I also love Favourite Worst Nightmare, but this is so much more consistent, and I love it best. You can listen to it straight through without feeling the urge to press 'skip', which is part of what makes it so great. Bonus: I found out after I fell in love with this album that the guys who made it were sexy! The ultimate pleasant surprise.
Favourite track: "From the Ritz to the Rubble" 5. Parliament Tear the Roof Off 1974-1980
Okay, it's a compilation, but I do listen to it almost daily. Of its 25 songs, I absolutely adore about half of them. The music is sooo funky and the lyrics are witty and hilarious. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Parliament was the first concept band. I know I've posted about their story (StarChild, Dr. Funkenstein, Sir Nose D'voidoffunk, Rumpofsteelskin, the Bop Gun, the Mothership, etc.) and if that list of key Parliament words didn't hook you, you're probably a boring person to begin with. Parliament has my heart.
Favourite track: "Agony of Defeet"
Oh Molly dear, your music choices are so eclectic and so unique! I thank u for educating me in my neverending quest for classic good stuff to download!
I just read an article in a February 2007 GQ magazine with gorgeous Jakey G. on the cover, and it was on George Clinton himself! Oh boy, is he a crazy character!
Thats out of question! You are always on my links :)
Your choices are amazing! Forever Changes is really a great album! I also love Sing O'the Time!
You have a real variance of genres and eras there which is pretty cool. Plus anyone who digs Grace Slick is cool beans by me.
Re: Thanks!!
I agree that the first monkeys album is way better than the second one. I also love that parliament album.
You should buy the bra, and then we can be bra buddies. Which is kind of wierd but whatever.
By the way, will you please change my name in your links.
i know non of them but i'm checking them out =)
I've read about Love but never listened to them. Now I must!
I love Mary-Kate in the new Nylon as well. I love image of her with the vintage t-shirt, fur and yellow Louboutin's with the silver heel. I really don't know anything about the Olsen's but now I see that I would love to look through Mary-Kate's closet. Her peacock headband is genious!
Wow u have really interesting tastes. Like them.
wow i haven't heard of half of these (well except for the arctic monkeys of course ;), but i must check them out
yess,the first arctic monkeys was the best.
to be honest, its still all I need. They could have actually waited a little longer to release the second, I think.
and new header! all wintery and monochrome! love it.
One of the things I really admire about your blog is its strong image. everything is so sixties, and this has never changed.
Ooooo, most of these I have only heard snippets off.
I think you were in my links but I had a blog crash months ago I still haven't added eveyone back
The Arctic Monkeys album is pretty great!
You have good taste Molly!!
I don't actually know the first band, I'm embarrassed to admit. I better go get me some LOVE!
I can't believe I've been sitting hear working all day with NO music on. Thanks for reminding me to put something on! Maybe Prince.
you always have the best music choices, although my favourite on the list of course is the arctic monkeys. currently, i have been overplaying "i bet that you look good on the dance floor". i don't ever think i can get tired of that song!
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