metal heart, you're not hiding
I have found new inspiration. I had always seen pictures of Chan Marshall/Cat Power around and thought "Wow, she's gorgeous" but since seeing the most stunning picture in Rolling Stone a few months ago, I have become very intrigued by her and her look. As far as music goes, I love her voice and really respect her, but it's not really my thing. Still, I keep her picture on my wall in hopes that one day her style and mannerisms will subconciously seep into me.

cat power? i like her music!! i like the photo where she's playing the guitar.
i love her. she's so beautiful. I got bangs the second time around because of her.
Oh I love that third picture in the field, it's so pretty.
Lovely, she has great style.
Mmmm. I agree about her music not really being my thing. I still wouldn't mind being her though...
Hey, I have that RS article on my bulletin board! And she really is gorgeous and has a neat style, as well as being one of my favorite artists.
I love her style!!!
i love her songs too, she is too rock n´ roll and beautiful and cool too!
i love the post!
a kiss and a hug,
I think she is really beautiful in a really personal way!
I love hat first photo.
I love her album 'The Greatest'. It's good "bath time" music. But she sounds kind of weird sometimes--almost drunk?! I do think she's gorgeous though.
love her songs! They are the best!
I really enjoy reading your posts! Do you want to do a link exchange with me?
I LOVE HER and her music.
I got my bangs cut like hers as well.
She is gorgeous and has such a cool style!
I've been saving a post about her for a few months. "Moon Pix" has become one of my favorite records. She does genre hop quite a bit. I'm not really into "The Greatest but I really like the song "He War on "You Are Free". I also want "What Would The Community Think"
i always do/did the same..i've been aware of her for a while, but never really "processed" her.
it was her who bought her dog to that event and they both looked greatt, yes?
and that pink frilled dress she wore.
yepp shes prettyy cool.
she's gorgous. i love her hair
I love her!
wow! she is striking!
Hmm I've never heard of her but she looks really cool.
by the way, i like that third picture too. i'll do a new post today or tomorrow, i haven't posted for so long...
I have heard of her but her music isn't my thing. She is beautiful though and her style is cool
a chanel icon is always fantastic !!!! who doesnt believe it yet ?
Is it me or is she extra skinny now?
i love her, and love the one picture in the field. ;)
I love cat power's music..but to see who it really even more amazing.
It's nice that she's a normal size AND karl lagerfeld's bff!
two words: bad ass. or is that a one word hyphenate?! ps. want to link up?!
ah i LOVE cat power. she is beautiful. and her music is amazing. she definitely helped me decide to get my fringe put back in!
So so so beautiful - girl crush material! On a style note, I love the pic third from bottom - I'm yenning for a band tee-shirt DIY project!!! :-D
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