the sea was red and the sky was grey, wondered how tomorrow could ever follow today
I have returned!! Yes, that is worthy of a double exlamation points. I won't mince words, the Southern United States pretty much blows. The local newspaper quoted a citizen saying the best thing to do would be to nuke Iran. It also listed the home addresses of every criminal in the police blotter. I found that highly bizarre. Anyway, I'm sorry I've been gone so long, therefore I will have to do an extra-long post to catch you all up.
- The Parliament-Funkadelic concert!

It was above and beyond what I had hoped for, and at the same time, just what I had expected. I saw them in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, which is the closest show they played to George Clinton's hometown of Kannapolis, NC. It definitely was an insane show. At any given moment, they had between 12 and 22 people onstage (and it was not a big venue!), wandering on and off, some serving no real musical purpose, but heightening the experience infinitely. They played for almost an hour before George Clinton even came onstage, yet the band was so incredible, I didn't even miss him. It was probably the most purely enjoyable concert I have ever attended. The audience was fantastic, obviously there for a good time, but respectful that everyone else was there for a good time as well. Some of the classic P-Funk members there (besides George, of course) were Garry Shider (a.k.a. "Diaperman"), Michael Hampton and Greg Thomas. A younger All-star that particularly intrigued me was the gorgeous Kendra Foster. She had a fantastic singing voice and is featured in the video I posted. The video, of the song "Bounce 2 This", I must point out, was definitely the most mellow part of the concert. You can see more photos (that I didn't take) from the show I was at here.
I can sum up the whole experience by saying, a P-Funk concert is the party you hope is going to happen everytime you're at home, getting ready for a party. Even if you have no real interest in the music, if you have a chance to see them, take it, you are guaranteed the time of your life.
- Also P-Funk concert-related, but so great that it gets it's own bullet point. The concert had incredible T-shirts, for a really great price and I got this work of art for $20.

- I have even more fantastic concert news. Seriously, I almost feel bad talking about this, because no one has the kind of concert luck I do. One of my current favourite bands (though obviously not even in the same league as Parliament-Funkadelic) is coming to town at the end of the month. I know I've mentioned them before, but I am so stoked to be seeing Black Mountain.
Seriously, how do these things even happen to me? I suspect that in a previous life I was prone to Mother Teresa-style goodness. If you haven't heard Black Mountain, do yourself a favour and check out their MySpace, especially if you're into heavier stuff like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin.
- Yesterday, I made the most incredible Value Village find of my life. Or, more specifically, Nicola did. A beautiful, beautiful, groupie coat for only $9.99. I'm thinking it's not my past life that does me good, Nicola's just my good luck charm.
I like to think about where it went under previous ownership: backstage at a Stones concert, on a Zeppelin jet, Mick's hotel room floor, perhaps...
- Also, most of you have probably noticed the new header, which I'm very excited about it.
The picture is one I found on Nicola's computer, and I chose it for the 60's-ness, the black and white, the London-ness, the fringe and the all-around awesomeness of the people in it. If any of you have seen Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids (and if you haven't, get on it!), you might recognize the writing from Bill Cosby's opening mini-monologue. Let me know your thoughts!
Anyway, I've been so excited to get home and start blogging again. Thanks so much for your patience. More soon!
And that's a promise.
yay! you're back! I've missed you and all of your rock child antics hehe, love the new header and I'm not jealous about the concerts, at least someone gets to see everything!
Yes, our southern states aren't exactly our strong point. I'm sure some in the middle of nowhere still believe the Confederacy is alive and kickin'.
That coat is beyond amazing. Very Penny Lane.
I love the new header! Thanks for the black mountain info.
I had to get my adam fix! Then this week I watched James Duvall in Nowhere & Doe Boy. I love him..he just cool and proably savored in nicotine and other earthy sweet smells.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for the note.
what a great return! it's downright unfair what concert luck you have ;-)
and the band t-shirt you got is amazing, same as the coat! that's what i like about vintage so much: thinking about what places the piece might have been, what people might have owned it... and you know, thru your influence i'm now longing to become a groupie! (but so far i can't see any band that's still alive and that's worth it...)
YESSSS! FINALLY! Jeez...I think that coat needs to pack itself into a box and ship itself to Sweden. Maybe you could stay in the coat too! I like the header. And I would highly enjoy seeing black mountain...but am happy that you will, because your love for them is larger than mine. I am listening to a lot of like...disco. They like to dance here.
So glad you're back - both to Ashcan and YISIAW! Cannot wait to learn of your travels...
I LOVE that coat. I'm shocked and Rupauled that you were able to find it - in mint condition - for $9.99. *This is me containing my envy* I need a Nicola in my life...actually, I think I need a Molly.
Also, can you provide me with a tutorial? I am in desperate need to learn how to write on pictures...such as you have done to create your beyond cool header. Love it!
Molly, you're back!! You have no idea how happy I am! It's so lovely to read your posts again and I am really looking forward for more.
The P-Funk concert looked amazing, lucky you who got to go! If I ever get a chance of seeing them, I definitely will!
And that coat is truly fantastic! It looks perfect on you! If Mick had seen you wearing it, I think that there's no doubt that it would end up on his hotel room floor ;)
Have a great Sunday, speak to you soon!
Molly - no need for the tutorial...I managed to figure it out.
Anyway, again, so glad ur back!!!!
and oh..forgot to say that your new header rocks!
that groupie coat!!
I love it!
So glad you are back! Not all of the south is terrible...but it definitly has its lows...
glad you're back! cool things you write about as always.
crazy pics! Cute coat.
juliet xxx
welcome back!
and i'm glad you loved the pfunk concert. i love how many people are in their entourage, haha. it's ridiculous!
It must have been so cool and I love you and your coat!!!
a kiss!!!
I usually love reading your entries, but that was kind of a jerky comment you made about the south. Sorry you happened to be in a part you didn't like, but it is completely unfair to judge the rest of the South by one city (just like saying the North is a crime-ridden industrial wasteland by visiting, say, Detroit). There are parts of the South that, yes, fit pervasive stereotypes. There are so many more places down hurr that are beautiful and progressive that, clearly, you haven't come close to seeing.
you are back. I missed you.
the groupie coat is the effing shit. How are you this lucky?! Verrry Penny Lane. Damnit, I want one.
Your back!!! :D :D
I really like the new header!
I love the coat!
i love concerts.
so much fun.
even the vibe itself is wonderful.
Sounds like you had SUCH an amazing time! I love the Tshirt you got. I want one!!!! You should have bought extras and given them away as prizes on your blog! The concert looked really fun. Love the pictures.
And that coat--Nicola really is a good luck charm. Keep 'er around!
Loooove your new header and welcome back :) , I hope I can sa that, even if I didn't really realized your absence because I was on vacation ;)
for the silly ones, can you tell us who is in the photo header?
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