you a SUPASTAR, boy, why you still up in the hood?
100 Aspects of My Life that I'm Grateful For:
- I discovered Parliament-Funkadelic, which has forever changed my life for not only the better but the fantasticer
- I have never had anyone close to me die
- I was born and raised on Vancouver Island, the best place in the world to live
- I have all five of my senses, in good condition
- My parents aren't the type of people who wouldn't let me chose the paint colour of my room
- I found Funkadelic's Uncle Jam Wants You on eBay for $1, and it didn't turn out to be a scam
- For the first time since I was a toddler, I'll be getting a white Christmas
- I'm not narcoleptic
- While I've never had a real near-death experience, I once fell up to my waist in quicksand and, though I probably wouldn't have actually died, it makes a good story for when people ask if I've had a near-death experience
- I have friends who show me new corners of the galaxy, remind me how much I love life and teach my spirit to be free
- I'm not afraid to go for what I want
- I never got mono
- I've got a record player and 55 beautiful LP's
- I have an excellent memory
- I've never taken naked pictures of myself and, more importantly, they've never leaked
- I'm not shy
- I have the best concert luck imaginable
- I've never been physically or sexually abused
- I met Arlo Guthrie!
- I wasn't born transgendered
- I've never been in debt
- Every year, my mom makes me a Christmas ornament, so when I move out, I won't have to start with a bare tree
- People actually read and enjoy my blog!
- I don't have any allergies
- While I wouldn't consider myself a jetsetter by any means, I've been to London, San Francisco, Paris, Amsterdam, Vegas - enough places to feel like I've shopped around and I still love my hometown best
- The most common phrase that people Google to arrive on my blog is "who the fuck is mick jagger"...that's just badass
- I'm not "never-been-kissed" - I think that would bring me down
- I've never had a doctor say "Uh-oh..." while examining me
- I've never had an attempted voodoo spell backfire...I don't think
- My dancing has been described as "mesmerizing" (by an elderly woman) and "the biggest turn-on ever" (definitely not by an elderly woman). I couldn't imagine two more flattering compliments on my dancing, especially since I think I sort of dance like Elaine Benes
- I never have to take a science class ever again
- My younger sister is a sweet, precious, innocent little angel
- I don't need drugs to have a good time!
- I got the joke on Fresh Prince, when DeDe mentioned how she liked Shaft and Will went "Shut yo mouth!" and then she went "But I'm talking about Shaft!" and Will was like, "Then we can dig it!" Nobody else that I was watching with got it, but I did, and it made me feel good
- I don't claim to know whether or not there's a God, but I think if there is, He likes me
- Barack Obama was elected
- I have never wanted something really badly, and then not gotten it
- I'm not sexually attracted to any of my uncles
- I'm polythelic, but I like it - it sets me apart
- I discovered this site while trying to find a picture for #38
- My orthodontist told me I should get braces, I told him I didn't want to and he didn't push the teeth are kinda fucked, but, hey, I don't have braces
- There's never been rumours spread about my sexuality
- I can eat whatever I want without worrying about my weight
- When I was 11, I went to Norway for an international camp with CISV
- A new Prince song just leaked and its a mash-up cover of "Crimson and Closer" and "Wild Thing"
- I kind of enjoy doing the dishes
- My bed is really comfortable
- My parents don't listen to Celine Dion
- I'm not lactose intolerant
- I found a website that has all the unreleased Prince jams that I worshipped back when I had Limewire
- I've never had scary episodes with alcohol or drugs
- "Michele says:
you put you have an excellent memorry twice
Michele says:
was that on purpose?
molly says:
ohh shit seriously
molly says:
Michele says:
molly says:
Michele says:
Michele says:
molly says:
which numbers?????
Michele says:
i think 14 and.....
molly says:
Michele says:
Michele says:
molly says:
no one must know of this
molly says:
therefore, i will copy-paste this conversation onto my blog
Michele says:
Romantic" - I'm good at spelling
- I'm excited for the future
- A couple months ago, I found a 45 on the floor of our crawlspace and it turned out to be Sly & the Family Stone's "If You Want Me to Stay" (my favourite Sly song), and because it was a 45, that means I can play it at 33rpm and it's heaven
- Since I'm within nine months of my 18th bithday, it's impossible for me to have a baby before I become an adult
- This dress exists...somewhere
- I saw Prince in London
- I can play my favourite classical piece, Beethoven's Sonata Quasi una fantasia, on piano
- I have a sweet ghetto story from when I was in the South
- I have every type of jacket I covet: groupie coat, (fake) leather jacket, sweater-type jacket, and fur coat
- It's not difficult to find clothing that fits me
- I've never, even for a moment, felt like nobody loved me
- I got to see Michael Hampton play guitar on "Cosmic Slop"
- I'm not colourblind - don't you think that would be torture, knowing that there's a couple colours that you have no idea what they look like?
- I bought Let's Get It On pretty much on a whim, not expecting I would end up listening to it almost everyday
- My dad's friends are hippies, and I suspect he used to be one too
- I live within a mile of a graveyard and the ocean
- There's so much music out there that I will love but haven't discovered yet
- I was in an Archie Comic once
- The city I live in has an excellent museum, with tons of First Nations artefacts
- All the children I babysit are smart, well-behaved, sweet and fun
- When I saw Parliament-Funkadelic, George Clinton, Garry Shider and Michael Hampton were there
- After one of my Sims died because a satellite landed on her, I was able to plead with the Grim Reaper and save her life and keep the satellite
- I know there's another Parliament-Funkadelic concert in my future
- I'm going to get mad spoiled on Thursday
- Once I was talking to my friend about the TV show Weeds and the Zooey Deschanel character, and he went "Oh, yeah, she kind of reminds me of you"
- My dad loves Will Ferrell movies even more than I do
- The area I live in has a sublime climate
- People rarely have trouble pronouncing my name
- I can speak English and French
- I can speak Ubbi-Dubbi
- I can name all the Fat Albert characters
- I can finally hear the "death" scream on "Love Rollercoaster"...took me so long
- I met Nicola
- I'm not totally baffled by Math right now
- My teachers care about me and my learning
- I get to sleep in
- Michele no longer slaves away at Value Village - the Dark Ages have ended, she's in my life again and I don't even miss the discount! Oh, that's right, cuz she never gave me one
- Marianne Faithfull and I made eye contact
- When you Google "ashcan rantings", this blog comes up first
- My football team, the Carolina Panthers, are kicking ass this season
- Our house has a fireplace
- I love myself
- I don't have a job
- When I was in the Netherlands, there happened to be a Salvador Dali exhibit, featuring his Alice in Wonderland collection in the town I was staying in
- I've been on long enough that when I play "My Library", I get a good day's worth of sweet music
- I know why "Wucan" is called "Wucan"
- My hair is very manageable
- I can think of 100 things I love about my life

How many of these apply to you too? Can you name 100 aspects of your life that you love? I challenge you to do the same, especially during this time of the year, when people can get too stressed. It feels so good to go back and read over and remember how lucky you are.
oo fun list, very positive and fitting for this time of year, I will definitely do this tag!
i'm jealous you can eat everything you want, but i also take pride in not being lactose intolerant or color blind lol, plus i love the story behind having a good memory haha
ok molly, are you ready for this? i love your blog so much!! you know why? because when i'm reading it, it feels like i'm talking to a really old friend. not like the old friend that you had in 2nd grade and now kind of dislike. it's more like the best friend you've known since forever and can't imagine not knowing until you die....thank you for your blog!! i love it so much my dearest one xo
I grew up on Vancouver Island! haha
awwwwwwwwwwwww this was the most amazing list ever. you are so awesome.
that conversation about memory was one of the funniest things i've read in a long time.
Oh I really enjoyed reading this post - it shows that the little teeny things we take for granted sometimes are just as fantastic as the big magic moments.
And I've totally seen the Alice In Wonderland series by Dali too! Yay :D
PS. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful christmas xoxo
Awesome list. Don't know if I have it in me to come up with 100. But yours was fantastic.
Thanks much for the note. Yeah, Jason & Patrick. I gues those pics were taken when they did Spun. Which I could watch over and over. Well, not all the time. But each time I see something I never saw before.
What an amazing idea for a list. I guess it would take me weeks to compose a list like that.
'Never-been-kissed' would bring me down too.
Haha, I'm just imagining an elderly woman watching you dance.
You're so lucky for #63. But somehow, I'm even grateful for my bipolar depression. It makes me tougher.
And Math is probably the point in my life I'mmost grateful for ^^ I LOVE MATHS!!!
I think I'm going to do a list of things I loved about 2008.
Hey Molly. That's a great list. Wow! I enjoyed reading those. It definitely gave me more insight into your life. You have been blessed. I think all of us have in some way or the other. Any time I feel down I just look at the world and people who are suffering in certain regions. I think we all have so much to be thankful to compared to many others. I'm grateful for my life. I've really enjoyed reading your blog. I can't remember now how I originally came across it, but I love it. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
You are the bestest girl ever and I wish I had been more like you at your age. It's taken me 40 years to appreciate life as much as you do...the big and little moments... You've inspired me to list my 100 things. I'm going home to visit family for the will give me something to work on on the plane...homework!...who woulda thought. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all that. Oh yeah...I caught mono when I was 15 from a 22 year old cruise director in the Carribbean. It totally sucked. Adios, mi amiga.
This list is awesome. I like how honest it is. I hope you have a merry christmas!
Absolutely amazing post. It radiates sunshine and good feeling :). I am thinkiing of moving to Vancouver Island :). Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas, babe!
Well I am trying to think of 100 things to be grateful for... Great Post.
PS. I referenced your blog on my page I hope you don't ming :D
That is a great idea! I really love your list; maybe I will make my own.
ohhh funnn. i'd do it except i'm wayyy too lazy...well..maybe i might do it. probably not's nice to know more about you though :)
found you via Miss Maybel, this is a great list and it made me laugh at times. It made me also realise that life is too short to worry about everything that goes wrong, cuz on the bright side there are always many things going fine.
happy holidays
You really have the greatest life...And the god, I about died (not really, but you get it). And also, you are lucky that clothes fit you well..that's really something.
What is this that I'm hearing about another Parliment concert? Um...I can't remember the other points I thought of.
Oh, yeah. I think it's incredibly awesome that you can play your favorite classical song on the piano.
Wow, sucha long post! Hahh maybe I should try doing this too! Merry xmas :)
my dad found me an otis redding album and a marvin gaye album! you should be proud of your influence! ;)
I googled polythelic, because I didn't know what it meant. That's really interesting...if I got the right definition. Really, this cold be such an awkward situation...very Seinfield.
Your inspiration has come to least 1/3 of it!
this list is amazing. seriously heart you.
hahahah your blog has always made me laugh fellow molly!
i dont know if you remember me but this is molly from fashionyou!
how have you been? x
Great post. I laughed really hard at number 74. What did you do with the satalite? What would uncle jesse do is one of the greatest websites.
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