don't worry....i won't hurt you, i only want you to have some fun
Well, here it is.It was inevitable but I didn't think so early in my top-five-songs-by-a-particular-artist month I would have to tackle him. But the divine this-wheel's-on-fire has put in a request for my top five favourite Prince songs, and I just can't say no to her. I'm going to exclude my absolute favourite Prince song because it feels way too personal to be discussing on a public blog, but here are my favourites, as best as I can figure them out.
My Top 5 Favourite Prince Songs:1. "If I Was Ur Girlfriend" from Sign 'O' the Times
Quite simply one of the most arresting, astonishing and gripping songs of all time.2. "Adore" from Sign 'O' the Times
In many ways, a fairly typical, almost-cliched love song. And, yet, somehow it's so much more. Listening to "If I Was Ur Girlfriend", a highly unique love song and "Adore", a more traditional one, it's pretty clear that nobody does love songs like Prince.

The B-side to "If I Was Ur Girlfriend", it also has Camille on lead vocals (hint for those of you who don't feel like clicking the link: Prince is Camille). I've always loved songs that describe a mysteriously unique woman. "The girl must be a witch/She's got your mind, body and soul hitched/Shockadelica/You need a second opinion/But she never wears a stitch/So you can't take her home/She's got you tied with a golden rope/She won't let you play your guitar/And when you've cried enough/Maybe she'll let you up/For a nasty ride in her shockadeli-car"

(Click on the link to hear the songs in their entirety)
Any other suggestions of artists (that I'm into) to make such a list about?
Great post. I love all those songs. It's so hard to pick just 5 Prince songs. He's had so many awesome ones.
love love love prince!
"Bitch, you think you're special...well so do I" sufices, I believe.
And I would like to see a list of your top five favorite songs that are sung by women. Or favorite female artists. Maybe that's too easy, becuase I feel like I have a guess or two (erykah badu, betty davis, grace slick...maybe?).
Yes. Female vocalists. If that's not to un-specific. Otherwise Frank Zappa songs. Or Bob Dylan songs (I don't know how you feel about Dylan actually...). Yes. So, I'm sorry I'm rambling, and giving probably ridiculous suggestions. I'll probably come up with something better later on.
Wait. Top five least favorite songs? Sort of a downer, but a fantastic way to let out some negative energy.
Stopping now. Have a nice day.
Prince for me is like a car wreck: I's violent, and arresting, and I know I should look away, but I just can't.
I do love Prince (negative on car wrecks however). I really like When the Doves Cry, and Adore...and this one other one that I can't remember the name...hmm...
thanks about the vest! You know, I found it for $25?!
YAY!! Wow you did this so fast! You've inspired me...I think I may do my own soon (maybe today?). I love love LOVE your choices. So original!!
How about Bob Dylan?
i so would love to do a study on prince for my gender class! musical ability aside .. the things he writes and has portrayed in the media are amazingly progressive.
Love it, I often find myself just staring at this man. Strange I know he's just captivating!
Hmm I would LOVE to see Bob Dylan. I cant get enough Bob Dylan.
P. S. My sis and I are spending the day getting lost in the city wasting whats left of my money I got from my horrible job on thrift shopping! Yay flea markets! I am looking forward to buying that Bob Dylan Record.
P. S. S. speaking of records guess what Disney record I bought last week!!!!???
Dude, I totally dig Prince. He's so awesome even if he is brainwashed. I vote 'when you were mine'....i totally feel the emotion in that song.
I think I have to jump on the bandwagon and agree that not only does this post kick ass, but I would also loveee to see your top 5 Dylan songs :)
Such a fun post Molly!
And seriously, now I can't waittt for winter to wear that kick ass sweat :)
love prince, I can't still listen Purple rain without crying :)
You done good Chica!
I seem to forget how much I enjoy Prince. His songs are so damn sexy they make me shiver.
Agreed - If I were your girlfriend.
Some of my Guilty Pleasures: Little Red Corvette, Diamonds and Pearls and I wanna be your lover.
Just too much fun, Delirious.
And because I am an 80's chick through to the very core of my being ... I have to LOVE "I could never take the place of your man" and "Darling Nikki" - I can't tell you just how many times I watched Purple Rain. I'd never admit it, not in public. Nope. Never.
Quit dragging it out of me...I will not tell.
Honestly I do not know exactly, but it is more than 10. Much more.
I could never say anything disparaging about this man. I respect him beyond words...
Nice choices Molly love.
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