don't hate me cuz my room is rad
You got a peek at my room before - the Prince shrine and the artistically strewn albums - but as you can imagine, the gorgeousness and gorgeousity that is my room does not end there.
La piece de resistance: my door. So beautiful.
My main wall. Beatles, Jimi, Janis, Duran Duran, and a lot of little pictures as well.

I have the greatest Stones poster ever, no contest. Brian Jones-era too. Also Dylan and Janis.

My bookshelf, picket sign from an anti-war protest I went to, a Duran Duran poster, my Mary-Kate and Ashley shrine and a Maurice Sendak poster.

Where all the actions tape/CD/record player. With Cat Steven and Tom Petty behind.
I have a lot of Duran Duran posters cuz my aunt used to be obsessed and she gave them to me during my 80's obsession phase. Now I don't want to take them down because I'd have so many gaping Duran Duran just look so damn cool.
God, I love my room.
Gawd, I love your room too, lol. I might just have to do a room expose of my own room just to kick your room's butt, :0). Ok, my sanity returned. LOVE THE ROOM AND POSTERS. By the way, I love Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. It's nice to meet another person my age who ACTUALLY KNOW WHO HE IS.
Have you ever heard of The Blues Magoos?
it reminds me of mine at home. with the slanted blue walls. covered in posters. me gusta mucho.
your room very much reminds me of mine,
and i appreciate the fact that you have beatles posters
you could actually be identical to maya, it's crazy. maybe there aree such things as paralel universes...
i have just looked at your pictures again and its so wierd coz are rooms are actually the same. but mine is pink.
i have the same posters the same 80's style stereo, everythings so similar
Very cool room...I have pcitures all over my door and closet, they cover every inch and it makes everything so much more fun.
you sure have lots of poster lol.
That's such an awesome room! Your posters look cool while mine make my walls look VERY ratty.
maybe the best part of the entire room.....
all of your beautiful music machines
plus the individual shrines
quite genius, if I do say so myself
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