What a fashionista! Fashionister? Um, he's well dressed. We'll leave it at that.
Oh no, wait! There's news involving Mr. Nelson here. He's releasing a free download on Friday the the 2nd at his website called "Guitar". Is he going to play it at the SuperBowl? It's called "Guitar" so it's gotta have which case, I would melt if he played in on Sunday.
Also he sent Howard Stern a tape of him covering Jimi Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower" and, interestingly, the Foo Fighters' "Best Of You". I'm dying to hear it, but I have no idea where to find it.Miss Ashley Olsen roaming the town, in fur. To be honest, I don't have a passionate opinion about fur. I don't see it's appeal, but I'm not personally offended if a celebrity (or anyone) wears it. I think Ashley looks great here. Doesn't she always?
they don't show the superbowl here, and they don't show much prince on mtv or vh1 or any music channel.
I feel the same about fur, I don't really like it but I'm not going to attack you if you do wear it
I completely agree with you and tru!!! Fur= doesn't really bother me, but I don't necessarily love it. I do love me some ashley o.
"fashionister". ha. too cool.
anyways, about the question on the header and blogger beta. well, i do have blogger beta, but have yet to change my template to blogger beta yet. but it does say that when you changeyour template to blogger beta, they do save a copy of your previous template. but where that might be is questionable.
ashley not wearing skinnies?! looks like the wide-legged things has really caught on.
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