come on, come on, come on, come on, now touch me, babe
My recent Sexy List made me think about Sexy Men (okay, I'm always thinking about sexy men) and their Distinguishing Characteristics. I figure why have one Sexy Men post when I can have a whole series? In fact, why not just post about Sexy Men all the time? Mick Jagger and his lips
David Bowie and his multi-coloured eyes
Jim Morrison and his hairJimi Hendrix and his hands

Much of this post's greatness (if it exists - I hope so) can be attributed to Nicola, who gave me the Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison pictures, and suggested the David Bowie and George Harrison entries.
I love the Beatles! I grew up listening to their albums in the car with my dad after school.
Isn't it amazing how David Bowie is STILL hot?
Did you see him on Extras? The Ricky Gervais show?
So funny-he makes up this awesome song.....
Woo eyebrows! :]
Wow, you are really into rock and roll iconography (as a relatively new reader of this blog pardon my ignorance) i used to be intensely obsessed with david bowie.
My favourite is Jim Morrison! he wsa soo cool, I really don't like Prince!
all those rock stars are so stylish
AH! In facebook aplic. "what beatle are you ?" I am George Harrison....I was soooooo happy because I "am" the sexy beatle. :D I love facebook aplications!
YOu know whats funny? and this might be really strange- but my grandpa, back in teh day, looked IDENTICAL to Mick.
Oh! Consider your self a survivor to my Link serial killer. I just kept the blogs I truly enjoy visit. Yours is one of them.
ooo yeah i'm looking forward to the posts about Hendrix and Morrison!!!
Wouldn't that be a super being if we could combine the best elements of each...
Jim hawt!
our taste in men is so so different, but even i can see how david bowie is sexy.
Its wierd how seemingly the most un-attractive sounding guys turn out to be sex gods?
davidbowiedavidbowiedavidbowie! He is totally my idol.
out of those james morrison does it for me:D
Haha, I laughed really hard when I read pornstache for prince. He's hilarious.
I love the title...Touch Me is possibly my favorite song ever. And Jim Morrison is a fox. I'm quite a Doors maniac. Your sexy man lists are quite thorough, and I appreciate that.
jim morrison. love him.
Love it.
Really hard to decide who is the hottest, but I guess I'll have to say, George Harrison and David Bowie. I love George Harrison in a hard days night.
george harrison, yumm yumm yumm.
and yes bowie is still amazingly hot:)
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