let the sun beat down upon my face with stars to fill my dream
Cate from Retro Life Style has tagged me to reveal seven songs I've been listening to a lot lately. Obviously, I'm 100% down for this type of tag. If my overenthusiastic bubbling about a song piques your interest, I've provided a link for where you can go hear it.
I've always been an Alicia Keys fan and she rarely disappoints me. I love her voice, and I think the longing in her voice when she sings "It's a matter of extreme importance" is just perfect for the song.

For years, I actually didn't really like this song at all until, when researching for a certain blog post, I found the video. Simply put, it was one of the best videos I'd ever seen, and I proceeded to fall madly in love with the song. Now I listen to this song daily and worship at the altar of its genius. All hail my future husband, Andre 3000.

I talk about Nicola so much on this blog that you probably think she's the voice inside my head or something. You're be 90% right. Nicola is the source of most of what it is good in my life and one of the many examples of that is this song. She introduced me to it and since then, I like to curl up and enjoy it's beauty. I have to stress that this is not the Fleetwood Mac of Stevie Nicks fame, and this song doesn't sound like "Don't Stop". This is the early, British, bluesy Fleetwood Mac, which I prefer.

I'm not surprised if you're surprised about this choice. Frankly, I'm surprised. I've never thought of Black Sabbath as a group I would like, but this is the second song of theirs that I've heard ("Planet Caravan" being the first) and the second that I've really liked.

Marvin Gaye...where do I even begin? His music never fails to make me feel great and his voice is just so soothing. Lately, I've been craving this song to no end.

Nobody else seems to think this title is as great as I do. I feel a spiritual connection to it on a couple levels: the astrology reference was fantastic for someone as obsessed with astrology as I am; I actually am a water sign (and so is George Clinton...Cancers, hollaaaa!), and the wit of it just killed me. I was so pleased that the song itself, a stirring piece about the difficulties of being in love with a mermaid (and one of Parliament's few ballads!) lived up to the title.

I've always liked the Robert Plant quote "'Stairway to Heaven' isn't the definitive Zeppelin song...'Kashmir' is!" (I might be paraphrasing) because I hate that "Stairway" often is the song most associated with Led Zeppelin. "Kashmir" captures their dark mystique. It's also on one of the few Zeppelin albums I don't own (yet!) so it teases me with the fact that I really only listen to it at Nicola's. You've heard it, but if you want to revisit, here you go.
If you're in the mood for posting your seven songs du jour, then I declare "Go for it." If not, hey, that's cool, too.
If you're in the mood for posting your seven songs du jour, then I declare "Go for it." If not, hey, that's cool, too.
yay cancers unite. all the songs are great. but the link for the parliament song takes you to marvin gaye
I love ALL your choices, Zep, Aicia, specially Marvin, I have that lp record :)
I agree, pre-Stevie is better. And I am totally going to "Go For It"...that could be dirty in the right context....
i loved the post you did on me. that parliament song is probaly one of the strangest things i've heard but i like it
Definitely cool songs.
I love Fleetwood Mac. Great post! Really interesting.
I found the Spinto Band's "nice and nicely done" and I love the whole cd.
Very interesting selection.
lovely choices! I like all of them. and oh Marvin Gaye..you make ME wanna holler! his music is fantastic..there's just something so sensual and sexy about it!
I love Alicia Keys too. I have seen her live twice and the first time was at a really small venue and she was AMAZING! The second time was at the O2 and it was sooo not good.
This story has no moral or point now I've written it but you may enjoy it. ha ha.
wow, cool songs too! did you have a hard time choosing them? i did, very. ^^ currently i'm doing a list of my favourite youtube songs - i.e. songs i only listen to on youtube and don't have on cd.
i love alicia's whole cd, it's so good.
Great choices! Love them all!
how did i not remember to include marvin gaye??? great song choices, lady!
oo a very Molly list indeed, love it! kashmir all of the way, honestly robert plant barely even gets to use his voice in stairway to heaven and it doesn't have the hardcore guitar, so its not definitive whatsoever, kashmir definitely is though!
God I love Fleetwood Mac! Awsome post.
Black Sabbath rules and War Pigs is one of their best! Nice choice.
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