she's not the kind of girl that you can just tie down, she likes to spread her love and turn your head around
It has begun...

What a stupid question! Those of you who have visited her blog, Ice Cube Confidential, already have an inkling of her brilliance, but I don't know if anyone else has fully grasped how phenomenal she is. For example, I noticed that she hasn't been elected President of the United States yet. What's up with that? I can't do anything about it, since I'm Canadian, but, seriously, you guys need to get your act together. I'm sure her foreign policy kick John McCain's foreign policy's ass.
Somtimes Libby tells lies. Case in point: "I'm not a great writer, so I can't just spew my beautiful thoughts. I am not very fashion savy, so I can't blog about my personal style, or thoughts on the new runway collections. I'm not super hip, so I can't blog about indie things." Now, to me, Libby seems like a great writer, very fashion savy and super I'm forced to assume that that was written in a fit of false modesty.
Her readers have been riveted by her tales of confused harpies in the peanut butter aisle, her super-detailed and comprehensive review of Sasquatch Music Festival and her fantastic lists...oh, her lists. If you're new to her blog, here's a good post for getting to know her. I'll confess, it did make me fall a little bit in love with her. She's just so right: who doesn't love "When You Fly On Airplanes, & Someone Squeezes Your Hand During Takeoff" and "Telling Your Friends About An Awkward Encounter You Just Had". Reading this post, I felt like Libby has looked inside me and pointed out things I hadn't even realized make life great. And don't even get me started on "Twins Who Want To Be Independent And Refuse To Dress The Same".

If you're not worshipping Libby yet, maybe this exchange between her and her school counsellor will win you over.
"SC: Now, we know you want to go to college, but what are you interested in studying?
Me: Um...either interior design, fashion advertising, fashion marketing, journalism, international business, screenwriting...or maybe physical therapy? Oh..and costume designer. Maybe be someone who owns a Coyote Ugly.
SC: Mmmm. I see.
Me: Yeah, actually, my dream job is something different though.
SC: (gets excited) Really! That's great. So...what is your dream???
Me: I would like to name paint chips. Like...the colors."
And as a special bonus, I think she actually might be a real person!! I know, too good to be true perhaps. But real or not, she is the first person (other than Nicola and myself) to produce a video of the Kayla Hyne chant. She is paving the way for the rest of you. Now get out there and make me proud.
Sweet Mother of God. You are basically my favorite person ever. But you made me seem a lot more interesting than I am. People will probably start commenting you saying "why the fuck did you rave about that libby kid? Her last post was about her shower curtain!". I'm glad my chant made you happy. And for the record, that's my natural hair's less cool when there's not a camera flash lighting it up.
Mmmmm... She seems very interesting, I have to visit her blog
Hey, this was just posted by an anonymous person on my blog. I thought you would like to know that your chant is spreading like fire!
"OMG how do you know kayla hyne too?! i'm from Mississippi and i heard of her recently. My friends and i always chant her name at our parties now! It's so wicked!"
I almost think this person was just making it up...nahh....
Now I get that no one out cools Prince?
But Alexa Chung I STILL don't get. Can I ask, what is her appeal? is it that she dresses well or that she's pretty or both?
haha you guys are awesome. :)
I think my coolness was just sucked out of me...So tired now...want to go to bed at 10pm.
What a great post you have done on her! I can't wait to visit her blog now..she seems like such a fun, interesting and unique person.
After I watched the videos I found myself chanting "Kayla Hyne, Kayla Hyne, Kayla Hyne" over and over agian in my head..easy to brainwash haha!
oh she seems like fun
rrrrrrgh i DID get some friends to do the chant with me after reading your post but then i DROPPED THE FRICKIN CAMERA IN THE POOL so i will have to wait for another opportunity :(
You blog about Betty Davis? I pretty much love her. And your blog. All hail NASTY GAL!
What a fun post. Love it.
Honestly you are such an exuberant writer! I got so excited reading this post!! and I have def. bookmarked her fab blog...I loved the Lists post you linked to :)
I would like to name paint chips. Like...the colors."
>>>>>>>>>>I loved that line.
I would like to name the paint chips, actually...
I never thought about that.
Yes, Libby is awesome.
I'm glad others notice.
Perfect blog entry.
Keep at it! =)
Haha. I totally agree. Libby is awesome.
Amazing entry, i agree with you
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