Friday, February 15, 2013

Hello, anyone who still finds this!
Sorry I've totally given up on this. If you're a blogging pal from days past, here are some other places on the Internet you can find me!



Lookbook: (I just got it, so still learning the ropes!)

Thank you for all your views and support! This blog genuinely helped shape the adult I am today. Please don't judge me on some of the opinions I've previously held, as I've cringed a few times looking back on some of the stuff I said. Particularly the "how to reappropriate Aboriginal clothes as fashion" piece - yikes! And the Roman Polanski thing. Sigh...
Ah, well, just a product of this day and age when your teenage ramblings get a semi-global audience. I appreciate you reading, and any support you've given me through the years.


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