Monday, August 07, 2006

rant one

I'm really upset. I've been offered a free trip to Jordan and my parents won't let me go just because it's in the Middle East and things are "dangerous". I really don't care. I'd rather die in the Middle East than at home in bed when I'm fucking eighty. We went out for Chinese today and my fortune cookie said "You will have a long and healthy life". I don't want a long and healthy life. I'm not suicidal or anything but I'd rather live a short life than pass a long one.


Anonymous said...

That sucks sooo much.
I agree, try getting lots of information and see if that works.

FashionWhore said...

I agree. Ugh, parents can be so annoying! Get a big guy to go with you, and say he'll protect you...LOL!
That doesn't really help.