gotta get me ass to a video store...that specializes in very obscure movies
Movies I'm Dying to See BUT They're Obscure/Not Released/No One Wants to Watch Them With Me:
I will go see any movie starring Jack Nicholson and Mark Wahlberg. And yet I never got around to seeing The Departed when it was in theatres. But now it's on DVD. Any day now...
My, er, frolic with Mick yesterday only intensified my already-intense desire to see his movie Performance. I can't find it, but I won't stop looking. My precious Anita Pallenberg is also in it. The Hunter S. Thompson book is one of my absolute favorites, but I still haven't gotten around to seeing Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
This one's going to be very tricky to find, but I want to see Kenneth Anger's Lucifer Rising. I'm completely fascinated by Charles Manson and Manson Family member Bobby Beausoleil was originally supposed to play Lucifer. But then he, uh, went to jail for murder. My precious Marianne Faithfull is also in it.
I've seen A Clockwork Orange, but not since the last time I read the book. And that is far too long.
i'm a total fan of A Clockwork Orange and i would love to see the departed and factory girl.
great movies.
+molly g.+
i was planning to leave a factory-girl related comment but my brain has been scrambled by grey's anatomy (at one point i was HYPERVENTILATING and my friend laura had to literally slap me) so i really can't form a coherent thought. but yes those movies rock.
I opened my mailbox after school this afternoon and was delightedly surprised to find The Departed laying daintily on the top of the pile from!!!! I'm planning on watching it this weekend before I leave!!!
i have the floral dress! i love it so much!
i cant wait till factory girl comes out either but sienna miller kind of ruins everything
im quite interested in what sienna will wear in factory girl.
but i dont think shes half as stylish as the real edie.
I've never seen any of those movies so Ican't tell you were to find them oh should check outt he video store suncoast..I think that's what its called...anyway they seel alsmot every movie known to man and if they don't hav eit they can order it, its amzing actually
The Clockwork Orange was great. Lucifer Rising looks to be amazing. Love that pic of the man himself...
I have a few photos of Bowie and Jagger that you might find interesting... just not sure how I can send it to you. Maybe I'll post them in honor of you...
check out the new post!
ok, I just watched The Departed. two words:
Mark Wahlberg
FREAKING GOD ON EARTH. The movie is SO intense (but amazing, just mind the swearing bits.....and the violence.....and drugs). Everyone in it is AMAZING,
but especially my boy Mark ;]
what a toughie
the departed was amazing!
the departed! my love for mark wahlberg is still there, even if he is not the lead role, OR decked out in his calvin's. sigh.
I really loved the departed. Mark Wahlberg will always be Marky Mark from the funky matter how many roles he plays.
has anyone seen factory girl? I think i'll wait it out for the dvd.
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