canadians do it naked-er
So I finally found the photoshoot pictures of my favorites from last week...yeah a bit behind. The judges said Rebecca looked "awkward" but I like it a lot because she looks high-fashion.
I don't like how Tara's body looks in this picture and her face makes her look bitchy.
What's been really annoying about CNTM is there's mad product placement. It's really low budget so every second scene is like "Wow, this COVERGIRL makeup is so great!" "Mmm, this Delissio pizza is so great!"
Anyway, onto this weeks episode.
Of course, makeovers. Youtube to the rescue!
My favorites Rebecca and Tara had quite different makeovers. Rebecca got a shorter cut and dyed it fire-engine red and she hated it. Tara got a huge weave and loved it. I think they both look great, but Rebecca looked better before.
I really don't want to post this before I get pictures from this weeks photoshoot, so this might be a bit late.
Found some! This week the ladies posed with various, uh, dead sea creatures.
My girl Rebecca. I really like her shot...uh, those eels are kinda sketching me out though.
But my favortie picture is Gina's:

Crazy Canadian judges.
Crazy Canadians.
Oooh I really love the short red haircut!! It looks very cool and hip.
You totally are a blogging Elder Of The Tribe. Maybe you should wear a false beard. Maybe all the Elders Of The Tribe who read my old sucky blog should wear false beards. We could call it Elder Beard Day.
I'm having one of those days where my brain doesn't quite match with my words, in case you can't tell.
And I think that red haired girl looks a bit like our own ANTM late, great, slightly insane Jael, non?
-The Tricky Tomato
fianlly saw the first episode last weekend, but have yet to see the onme from this weekend, but it looks amazing. i mean this season they are actually trying to make it good, photoshoot wise at least. last season was quite terrible. and did you hear about Iman hosting the project runway canada edition? thats right, Iman. i'm so excited. it's set to run this fall. yay!
Never have I seen pictures that repulsed me, yet had me floored at its magnificence...
I agree with -s that this year the photos have had a rather large upgrade in quality. I still remember the first season and how terrible some of the pics looked.
Love you Molly baby. You site is looking polished and svelte. You go girl...
trust me MN isn't that interesting...and you really don't want to live with -15 degrees as a high! but i live in a suburb of st. paul, MN. so i am 20mn from minneapolis and about 30 mintues from Chanhassen which is where prince lives, it's like a slightly swanky suburb of Minneapolis.
Even ANTM has a crazy amount of product placement.
Like at the Seventeen photoshoot...
"We really love this SOUTH POLE HOODIE *holds up to camera subtly*, we really think it'll pop on the cover."
"All the shoes on this photoshoot are from PAYLESS."
I detest product placement, especially in music videos, it's so obvious.
I'm going to have to download this season since I can't watch it here in Oz. I think its weired that they made them do a photo shoot where the guys had to grab their breast, I mean real models don't really have to do that stuff?
seems like the photo shoots on canada's next top model and the american one are getting increasingly out there!
ew, those pictures are SO gross but SO fantastic!!! I love it, high fashion eels and other squirmy sea creatures. It must have been incredibly smelly.
i adore rebecca's hair. if i had straight hair i would be going out and getting it done like that tomorrow!
i can't believe you are coming to London to see Prince! You are some loyal fan.
have you ever been here before? Where abouts are you staying?
Would you like a list of shops?
is one of the girls on CNTM english? isn't it meant to be canada's next top model? we have our own awful Britains next top model and our not quite as awful but channel 5 make me a supermodel. let me just explain about channel 5. we have five maion british channels: bbc1, bbc2, itv, channel 4 and channel 5. if something is moved onto channel five it is pretty much the end of its life. if something is moved onto channel 4 (where the greats live: big brother, ugly betty etc.)it means that people are going to watch it.
glad i got thst off my chest, sorry, that was really boring.
i think the last three pictures are interesting
the naked ones just sum up why fashion should stick to real models and not wannabes
ew, the dead sea creature thing is kind of creeping me out. what a horrible idea for a shoot! i like rebecca and gina.
Oh i had not seen the sealife pictures before they must not have loaded, very interesting photo shoot, but would a model have to do that in real life. eh.
Love you blog so much, in case you haven't noticed;)
hey there! sorry for t'late reply, but yeah lol i just realised that i must be watching like some old-ass season of CNTM because i was going to say 'oh my favourite's brandi she looks like thandie newton' but oh well lol!! darned britain gets everything last! well we don't actually, australia do, if we're going to get onto the english-speaking countries of the world but whatevs yeah! i love anything NTM but god it's a bore without the ostentatious spending of the america version and of course, the wonderful TYRAAAAAAAA! lol
okay this'll be one heck of a long post buuuuut
right, big brother is a tv show that runs for about 3 months through the summer and it's basically where channel 4 (the best tv channel in britain, tbh) bungs about 14 people in a house together, their every move is filmed and recorded and every day there's a highlights show and there are other shows as well about it like for news and for views on it and then 'live' whre you can just watch it live on tv to see what theyre getting up to.
each week, one of them is evicted from the house, they nominate each other, and inside there they have to do tasks and things to get money for food and other luxuries.. it's really absurd, they have to do some seriously hard shit and somtimes they fail and get like £1 per person per day for food and that, and there's loads of rules and punishments. the house is really cool though! they have twists as well, big brother does all this evil shit to them (big brother like an almighty 'being', just the producers i guess) and they deliberately put really big and volatile characters in there.. there's usually loads of drama, sex, fighting screaming bitching y'know.
sounds moronic, but trust me, it's addictive (hence 8 years of lost summers, haha).. i even watch it online when i'm abroad lol!
watch sme of it online or something.. in fact, i'm retty sure they have it in canada dont they? they have it everywhere else man!
okay that'll do lol! great post, i love little rascals (who doesn't) 'what's the numba fo 911?' and sorry about the DH spoiler :s i just figured everyone had seen it already okay laters saris x
oooh i love rebecca's hair cut.
i really wanted to make this comment all cool and like, yeah, august 17th I'm free for casual bumping-in-to-eachother-and-making-it-look-like-we-didnt-originally-know-eachother-from-the-internet, but then I went down to check if I was actually free then but my silly parents are doing the whoel last minute holiday planning thing wonderfully because they ave about 5 dates marked in the calander for when we could return from canada so actually I don't know if we can do casual bumping-in-to-eachother-and-making-it-look-like-we-didnt-originally-know-eachother-from-the-internet because my family prefers to be completely last minute and frantic about absolutely everything.
dont be surprised that if we do meet I'll be an hour late, panting and screaming about misplacing my dog while doing maths homework that was due in a month ago, or something like that.
Wow the photo shoots look more how do you say fieeerce *tyra voice*
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